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This step isn't to be taken lightly and if you're at this point and have exhausted all other resources to reach a resolution, then filing a complaint is the next step. The State Department of Education, Division of Monitoring, Compliance and Planning has 60 calendnar days to investigate and resolve a written complain from the parent who believes their child's rights under the special education laws have been violated. A parent can file a complaint with DOC against the school district for violations of the timelines set out in this section. The complaint must be filed within one year of the violation. If DOC finds that a child's right to an appropriate education has been violated, it will order compensatory education
Click on this link to get access to the form and packet. This form is used to submit a formal complaint to the PA Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education (BSE) - Division of Compliance. If you need more information about the complaint process or if you are unable to print the form and would like to receive a complaint form by mail, please contact the Special Education Consult Line at 1-800-879-2301 (within the state of Pennsylvania) or 717-901-2146.
Complaints regarding discrimination in schools:
State Complaints and Dispute Resolution
Fill out a complaint form here, website
Educator Misconduct Complaint Procedures and Complaint Form:
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Office of Chief Counsel
333 Market Street, 9th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
Phone: (717) 787-5500; Fax: (717)783-0347
Click here for more info.
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