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Get ready to get organized! Even if you are starting from scratch, there's no reason to be overwhelmed. Organizing these files won't be as overwhelming as you think as long as you follow these simple guides.


What you will need...

  • One or two binders at least 3" thick. Make it fun, choose your favorite or your child's favorite colors. Binders are expensive, go to Walmart, use coupons, or go to thrift shops if it's cost prohibitive.

  • Get at least 2 sets of tabs, whatever works for you. If you need pockets or prefer tabs that you print on, whatever you feel meets your needs best.

  • Print any of the following tabs that apply to you: IEP, IEP Revisions, Discipline, Meeting Notes,  Correspondence, Prior Written Notice (PWN), IEP Invitation, Assessments, OT Reports, Speech Reports, Accommodations/ Positive Behavior Supports (PBS), Evaluations, Progress Notes, Report Card (if it applies), Medical Info, and/or Report Card Guide (to keep track of reg ed guidelines for goal setting). This is just a guide to get you started, print tabs that meet your needs.

  • Click here to find templates you can download for tracking phone calls and goals.

  • For meeting notes, I insert lined paper so it's handy. Keep track of emails/phone calls with this section. You can write down the date/time, who you talked to and a sentence or two about the nature of the phone call.

  • I like to print a picture of my child with my vision statement for the insert in the front of the binder to inspire me. Whatever inspires you, could go to the front/back of the binder. It could be accomplishments, certificates, your child's favorite things, etc. The whole point is to make it positive and meaningful to you.

  • Punch 3 holes in your sheets and organize your papers with the most recent on the top. Make an extra photocopy of your IEP and "in pencil" write original copy on your original IEP. That way you can easily distinguish the original from the copies. Write your notes on the copy version on your IEP.

  • Empty copy paper boxes to store old IEPs and paperwork. Use binding clips or rubber bands to bind them together. Keep them in the same order as your binder paperwork. Copy paper boxes stack well on top of each other, they are usually free, and you can label the outside by year (for ex. 2012-2014) to keep easy.

  • Keep all your paperwork in case you have to go to due process so that the attorney can have a paper trail of your child's academic history. Hopefully you will never need it, but just in case, it will be organized to save time/money.

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