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Stay connected with latest email updates, events and happenings in the Lehigh Valley.


Local organizations work hard to provide you with the latest information designed to help you and your loved one(s) navigate all the possibilities to help you keep up with all the changes.


The following are organizations that send out emails of upcoming webinars and events that are coming up. They are separated by their niche to make it easy for you to identify your areas of need.


Below are a list of contacts who you can request to be on their email list to be notified of upcoming events.




Click here to subscribe to e-newsletter


A Day in our Shoes

Opt in for helpful tips about IEP's and ESY by emailing IEP @


ARC of Lehigh & Northampton Counties

Link to upcoming webinars


Lehigh Valley Center of Independent Living

Subscribe to newsletter.


The Peal Center

Subscribe to newsletter.


Self Advocates United as 1

Subscribe to newsletter.


County News

Lehigh County



Northampton County Human Services




Right to Education Local Task Force 20

Serves as a resource for children with all disabilities and their families in 13 school districts in Northampton, Monroe, and Pike county.

Send email request to


Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit #21's Local Right to Education Task Force

Serves districts in Lehigh and Carbon county.

Send an email request to



Sign up for email family engagement newsletter


Healthcare, Youth

Peal Center

Local, regional and national info including upcoming webinars in email newlsetter.


PA Health Law Project

Subscribe to emails.



McAndrews Law Offices

Sign up with email newsletter with updates, special education legal changes


Support for Caregivers

PA Family Network

Subscribe to newsletter announcing webinars on topics like waivers, transition to adulthood and advocacy.


PA Assistive Technology Foundation

Sign up for email newsletter for information about PA ABLE, assistive technology updates and local events they partner up with.


Information about Transitioning to an Adult


Email newsletter sign up


PA Family Network

Sign up with email newsletter updates of upcoming webinars


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