You are powerful beyond measure!
Knowledge gives you power to help meet the needs of your child. You bring a lot to the table because you know your child best. You have been there from the beginning. You know where they started, what works best for them and where they need to go. You deserve the same respect given to every member of the IEP team. Never forget that, even when you feel out numbered and intimidated in IEP meetings.
Bring your own team: invite Educational Advocates, BSC's, TSS's, therapists, a nurse, a trusted friend or family member who can take notes or has strengths in areas where you don't feel so strong. Choose and stick to the non-negotiable goals. Ask for a rough draft of the IEP before the meeting. Ask questions when you don't understand what's being proposed or discussed. But remember, it's still a team. You don't have to like each other but you must respect each other. You'll have to find a way to work together so that your child can be the best version of who he or she is.
You have the ability to influence your child's experience in transitioning from preschool to Kindergarten, from elementary school to high school.
Most importantly, as your high schooler transitions to a young adult, you need to steer the goals and conversations around what is the quality of life for him/her whether or not I am here? What are the functional skills that need to be learned? Take note how much prompting they need from parents, therapists and school staff. How will they be able to hold down a job? What do professional and personal relationships look like for them? They can learn a lot of these skills at school so advocate for non-academic and functional goals in the IEP. I encourage you to begin studying the transition tab as early as possible so you have a good understanding that adults are not entitled to services anymore and what needs to be set up to support them in their adult life. Be proactive about transitions so that you don't have to respond reactively later.
Be relentless and unstoppable in the pursuit of getting what your child needs for their education. The blessings that follow are worth it.

If you saw the size of the blessing coming, you would understand the magnitude of the battle you are fighting.