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What is PANDAS?

Since there's no conclusive test that to diagnose it, it's diagnosed throught a detailed history showing sudden onset of symptoms and a physical exam to rule out illnesses like rheumatic fever, which results in untreated strep and Sydenham chorea. Step infections are common in childhood and some children carry the bacteria without showing symptoms. Usually the treatment consists of antibiotics to relieve the symptoms.

On May 23 and 24, 2013, the First PANS Consensus Conference was convened at Stanford University, calling together a geographically diverse group of clinicians and researchers from complementary fields of pediatrics. The goals were to clarify the diagnostic boundaries of PANS, to develop systematic strategies for evaluation of suspected PANS cases, and to set forth the most urgently needed studies in this field. Presented here is a consensus statement proposing recommendations for the diagnostic evaluation of youth presenting with PANS.


Dr. Rosario Trifiletti
Where: 545 Island Rd, Suite 1D, Ramsey, NJ 07446
Call: (201) 236-3876

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