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It's so important to your child's development and progress that we see them holistically. Many children have more than just an Autism diagnosis so it's critical to your child's success that any other underlying diagnoses are included.

You know your child best and since you live with your child, you are the best person to notice if there are other challenges that are manifesting. These are some of the more common diagnoses that are also associated with children on the spectrum. If the information aligns with what you are seeing, there are professionals listed you can contact for more information.


Vision Testing

If your child has trouble balancing, reading and/or navigating their environment, testing your child's vision could help improve their current therapies and overall quality of life. You need someone sensitive to your child's needs and understands they may have to do more unconventional types of testing.


What is Dysgraphia?

It is a condition that makes written expression challenging. Children can struggle forming words, spelling words correctly, and handwriting.


What is PANDAS?

In 2010, researchers and physicians met at the National Institutes of Health to clarify the definition. It was revised to Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrom (PANS).


What is Apraxia?

A motor disorder caused by damage to the posterior parietal cortex which causes a person to have difficulty in performing tasks or movements when asked especially if the request is understood and the person is willing.


What is Epilepsy?

A seizure is a neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrent episodes of sensory disturbance, loss of consciousness, or convulsions, associated with abnormal electrical activity in the brain.


What is a MAPS doctor?

MAPS stands for Medical Academic of Pediatric Special Needs.


What is Dyscalculia?

Individuals who have dyscalculia struggle with math related concepts, such as, poor comprehension of math symbols, struggle with memorization.


What is ODD?

According to the Mayo Clinic, a child must have at least four of the following symptoms and cause significant impairment of family relations, fun activities, school/work: anger, defiance, irritable mood, argumentative, and vindictiveness.


What's the difference between ADD/ADHD?

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is the term commonly used to describe symptoms of inattention, easy distractable, and poor working memory. ADHD is the term used to describe additional symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity. Both are often confused as the same thing. The confusion dates to 1994. That's when doctors decided all forms of attention-deficit disorder would be called "attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder," even if the person wasn't hyperactive. ADHD is a brain-based disorder. It can interfere with your child's everyday activities at home and at school.

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